Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mind Renewal: Lesson Two

" I beseech( Greek: parakaleo" to call beside," "to incite by word") you therefore, brethren, by the mercies( see Lam.3:22-23) of God, that ye present ("to exhibit, to proffer: or to be at hand, ready: assist, bring before, prove, provoke, yield") your bodies a living sacrifice,(offering all my rational powers) holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service,(spiritual worship). And be not conformed (Greek: suschematizo.conformed: "scheme to disguise") to this world: but be ye transformed( Greek: metamorphoo) by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove(approve by testing) what is that good, and acceptable,and perfect, will of God."
The word of God: enables us to exchange the natural mind for the spiritual mind...

First step: Seeing that my greatest need is a quiet heart( in order to hear God), and to be at rest in every situation

Second step: How do I find a quiet heart?...through fixing my mind on Jesus and meditating on God's Word

Third Step: What are some hindrances to gaining a quiet heart?...Evaluate own life....change things that are weighty and are consuming. Busyness is often a hindrances.

Fourth step:Purpose in your heart to have a quiet heart. This means there must be daily, moment by moment, deliberate exchanging my thoughts with his thoughts.

The Christian Life is not only a changed life, but an exchanged life....Life reduced to a relationship with Christ makes the complicated simple....