" If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper. I make it a practice to read the Bible through once every year."
~ Daniel Webster
As the years go by , I am more and more aware of my forgetfulness, my lack of discipline, and my weakness to be overtaken by the mundane duties of this life. Recently, the Lord has been dealing with me in the area of Reading my Bible through every year. I am ashamed as I look back over the years that I have been saved and realize how few times I have actually completed Reading the Whole Bible in a years time. It really is an obtainable goal for all of us...I have no excuse. But, I am ever impressed by the Holy Spirit that He desires to meet with us each day. Will we make our appointment each day or will we continue to reschedule? I want to know Him more intimately...I want to understand His will for my life....I want to share Him with others. May we choose to be Seekers of the Word and to train our precious children to read His Word daily that they might know Him intimately. It is the most important thing to teach them to Know Jesus and to have a love for God's Word.